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New Book study begins March 20...

Where's My Focus?

Churches that are healthy, where people are moving onto God's agenda, are churches that have an outward focus.

Not content with "navel-gazing," these churches turn their attention and their focus to those who are not necessarily belonging to any church in particular. These are going to be the people who need to hear about Jesus.

Churches that are outwardly focused consist of people who are outwardly focused. People who get what the church is supposed to be about doing: making disciples of all the nations. People who have a growing passion to see other people discover Jesus and the difference He makes.

Starting March 20, we are going to provide an opportunity to learn what those people look like. What traits they possess. What makes them tick. And how we can become that way.

So join us on March 20 at 4:30 for the introduction to the book by Thom Rainer called "I Will." The books will be $5 for purchase; and we will then begin the discussions on the contents of the book starting on April 3 at 4:30.

Please make your plans to join us! Childcare will be provided.